Hi blog, I recently realized that before I could progress with this project any further, I needed to create a schedule to keep myself on track. I've just been kind of Doing Things recently without any sort of structure as to when I should have things completed by. So I figured that having a very detailed schedule would help me not get overwhelmed with work in a few weeks when I realize how poorly I planned for this. So without any further ado: my schedule !!!!
2/23-2/26: pre-production things besides writing (scheduling with actors)
2/26: start writing script
3/4: finish writing script
3/5-3/14: filming
3/27-3/29: editing
3/30-4/3: complete CCR
Now I finally have a solid schedule that I can refer back to to keep me on track. I gave myself the most time for filming since that's definitely going to be the most time-consuming part. And with Spring Break being in the middle of March, I lose some valuable time that I'm going to have to account for. I'm a pretty fast editor and usually edit entire projects in 1 day, so I was generous and gave myself 3 days for the editing process. I'm not exactly sure what the CCR entails yet, so I gave myself a good 5 days for that. I also gave myself quite a bit of time to write the script because I expect this to be one of the more difficult parts for me. I need the writing to be good due to my project being quite dialogue-driven, and it might take me a while.
Although it's quite broad, I know for a fact that this schedule will create the smoothest possible experience for me. See you in the next post.
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